Antoinette Ratcliffe
8–16 September 2023

When we think of SINGLE USE ONLY, what comes to mind is disposable medical supplies, or items that are deemed as non-reusable. In Antoinette Ratcliffe’s new body of work, the concept of SINGLE USE ONLY is juxtaposed with the anthropomorphic connection the viewer experiences with each taxidermy installation. This connection, created through poses and the use of familiar elements, encourages the viewer to perceive the beauty of a non-reusable material. This is a new direction in Antoinette’s work as she has previously utilised taxidermy to engage the viewer into looking further into the personality of the animal and to consider them purely as an individual.

All animals in this exhibition were ethically sourced; either through failed rehabilitation efforts, humanely euthanised donations, or trapping communities protecting our native wildlife.